unraveling the enigma...sorta

15 April 2004

My domain is back up.


PhillyKat at 10:18:00 PM


Yes, I'm -cidal. Homicidal. Not suicidal.

I realize I sound like I was about to walk in front of a train, but I'm not. I'm just trying to come to grips with the reality of my life and those within it, thats all. Also wouldn't mind if someone would disappear. I won't say drop dead, though I want to, just disappear and leave me alone.

PhillyKat at 7:24:00 PM


I'm an Imbecile

You know for as smart as I think I am (street & book) something happens to prove me wrong. I'm a dummy. I guess my father was right when he called me dummy & stupid every day. I thought I had proven him wrong. Guess he had some kind of foresight that I don't. Only an idiot would keep thinking that if you treat people honorably & truthfully that they will behave the same. Only an idiot would keep thinking things are going to be alright at some point even when every indication is that it's not. How pathetic is it that I wish my mom were still alive so I wouldn't feel so alone right now? A grown ass woman in my 30s and I think if my mommy were here things would be better. That's just silly. Can you say loser?

How do things change so quickly? Yesterday, I was in such a good mood. This morning, the rug was pulled from beneath me. I don't even know why I try. Almost everything in me wants to give up. I'm guessing if it weren't for my slight competitive streak, I would have given up a long time ago. I'm so tired. I think I might knock the teeth down the throat of the next person who says 'things are going to get better.'

PhillyKat at 12:59:00 PM


14 April 2004

Popped some popcorn. I burned my arm. :( Mouf used up all my burn cream and said nothing of course.

Not letting anything get me down though. I'm watching a Matrix marathon. Yea me! I've got my poppy corn (I did it a li'l different.. put garlic and chili seasoning in it... not too shabby). Got some candy. Ate my snickers (thought it would give me an energy boost). I have some jellybeans and sour heads (lemon, orange, sour apple, grape, and cherry). Now, all I need is some nachos and I'd be set. Oh yeah, I have some lemonade too. Hoooo Bah!

PhillyKat at 5:42:00 PM


Which Apprentice are You?

I am like Kwame.

-- "I think street-smarts are more important than book-smarts but luckily I have both."

Kwame was the Project Manager for Versacorp on the Planet Hollywood challenge.

Which Apprentice are You?

brought to you by The Apprentice Blog and Quizilla

from my comments on EJ Flavors:

I KNEW IT! I could tell by the choices. I'm Kwame. Iont even really like Kwame's style. He's to wishy washy and doesn't seem to have the smarts he claims to have. If he had, he wouldn't have chosen Omarosa, eventhough he would have gotten stuck with her anyway. I'd be much better than him.

PhillyKat at 2:07:00 PM


40 Days & 40 Nights

It is so rainy here. Little animals have been running south towards the docks for last few days.

My day so far...

-I woke up at 8:30a. Fell back asleep.
-I woke up at 9:30a and went to the bathroom. Fell back asleep.
-I woke up at 10am. I got up at 10:20am, went back to the bathroom, got dressed, and got on the floor to do some crunches. Fell back asleep....didn't do crunch the first.
-I woke up at 11 something am because I was in some cat like position and couldn't breathe. This loud buzz saw sound woke me up. I hate snoring. I thought I got up, but in actuality I rolled over and ...yup... fell back asleep.
-I woke up at 12:06pm and turned on the tv.
-I wanna go back to sleep.

How's your day?

PhillyKat at 1:09:00 PM


13 April 2004


PhillyKat at 7:10:00 PM


11 April 2004

Dining Out for Life

On the 29th of April, restaurants across the U.S.A. will donate 33% of their daily profits to HIV & AIDS charities. There is also a volunteer program. It isn't clear how it works. You may also register to win prizes. In Philadelphia there will be 2 trips to the Dominican Republic given away.

For those of you that always talk about giving to charity, but never or rarely do, here's your chance to go out with friends or alone for a meal (breakfast, lunch , and/or dinner) and support a charity. Just go to DiningOutForLife.com, click a city, and find a restaurant.

PhillyKat at 11:07:00 PM


Rappin' Easter Bunny

This cute. If you celebrate, I hope you have/had a happy (took all my strength not to type hoppy) Easter (Estarte)

PhillyKat at 4:11:00 PM


10 April 2004

The Question Game

I think this guy might be a little nutso or maybe its just the game; the jury is still out. Just my type! Truly, there aren't many questions just statements and choices. It's kinda funny and a good way to waste some time.

1- b. You must carry a yippy toy dog with you everywhere you go, including the shower, the bathroom and any other place you go 24/7.

everybody needs a friend

2 - b. Stephen Hawking does all your talking for you (yet you must wheel him around in that damn wheelchair everywhere.)

well, he's smarter, maybe i'll get a job. moreover, maybe he'll give me money and i won't need a job. sit on my face and tell me that you love me

3 - b. Your head will accidentally get squished inbetween two elevator doors (as they're closing) and although you won't be mortally injured -- your head will look like a squished pear for the rest of your life. (This means, you can't ever wear hats again, by the way.)

he didn't say i couldn't wear scarves. ;)

4 - a. You will become the National Spokesperson for an extra-strength hemerroid medicine.

lesser of 2 evils and all that

5 - b. You wake up one day as a beautiful BLIND person and fall in love with a member of the opposite sex (or the sex you're attracted to) who happens to have a face deformity.

as long as i can't see it i'm chill. plus, i don't want a beautiful blonde girl in love with me.

6 - b. You will take a job as the sole caretaker of an iguana habitat at the local zoo, where you will eventually start to talk to the iguanas, halfway believing they are talking to you although they are not..

always wanted to be dr. doolittle. if i could talk to the animals, just imagine it...

**I'm double posting on both blogs cuz I don't know why this one is still up.**

PhillyKat at 10:02:00 PM


O For Fuck's Sake!

I hate network tv! Why is it that almost every show I like gets the axe? A little creativity goes a very short way in Hollyweird these days. Geez I wish I was a Nielsen family.

I just found out the new show, Wonderfalls, that only aired 4(!) times got the boot. I stumbled across it a few Thursdays ago while I was in search of something that wasn't a snooze fest and/or a repeat. Wonderfalls was actually interesting and funny. The quirky characters were slowly developing as they should. The first time I saw it I thought it should be on cable, maybe paired with Dead Like Me. I give up hope that another network or cable station will pick it up. They only pick up crap. FOX use to be the network for quirky, funny, creative, and different shows. I'd ask what happened, but to be honest, I don't really care. It probably has something to do with 2 letters, O.C. eh

The co-creator and exec producer, Todd Holland, put it nicely when he said, 'Networks could find themselves stocking up on reality fare but also acquiring a sameness that erases their identities.'

"I feel like the sort of wonder you can create from small worlds of fiction is totally in danger of extinction because people _ the audience or the networks _ don't have the patience to nurture that kind of journey," Holland said.

I like a good reality series, mostly the game show/sporty type ones, but I'd prefer watching a well produced, scripted, and acted series any day/time of the week. HBO use to have a series called Short Attention Span Theatre, which was funny as hell. It only lasted a few weeks because it was sick and I was apparently the only person that watched it. The skits (done with hand puppets, dolls, and animals I might add) were maybe 2 minutes in length, quite possibly too long for today's average tv viewer.

"Anything you don't nurture and feed, withers. Our imaginations, our dreaming spirits, are in danger of giving up."

How can you argue with that?

PhillyKat at 3:17:00 AM


from arcs posted 4/9

Real Age

Thanks (maybe boo) to Groove Bunny for finding a quiz that calculates your real age. Always knew I was old.


Angry Pete

I like Angry Pete. He's not so much angry as he is honest and funny. You know I love the funny. Honesty is just icing on the cake. Why have I singled out Pete since my blogroll (and favorites) are chock full of honest & funny people? Because today he's doing something I've not seen. He's reader topic blogging.

Yesterday, Pete asked commenters to leave one topic they'd like him to blog about today. One topic per comment. One comment per person unless it's really good. True to his word, he is blogging about the topics left in his comments. Currently, my topic substance vs. superficial is up to bat.

***This quite probably be my last blog on this server. Don't forget to go to blogger tomorrow. phillykat.blogspot.com If you need an email that will be viable tomorrow, email now and I'll send it to you.

PhillyKat at 3:11:00 AM


from arcs posted 4/8

Y'all Thought It Was Only Me

You guys thought odd crap only happens to me. Granted I may be the only one out there ever chased by the police for breakinging into a playground, have Mexican army type guys have a machine gun this close (holding hand up with thumb and index finger about 3 inches apart), been almost arrested in 3 count 'em 3 European countries, but my point is.... um... what is my point? Oh yeah, my point is that I'm not the only one that finds drama.

Imagine if....alright don't imagine it just go to Bassey World and read it. I must say that she was much kinder than I would have been, especially initially. There would have been a "Yo, papi, back the fuck up and get out my space," followed by my just screwing with dudes mind. I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.


Let's Shorten the 15 Minute Thing

I will be ecstatic when William Hung's 15 minutes are over.

Has anyone else noticed that since William Hung has "She Banged" we have not seen Ri.cky Mar.tin anywhere. Separated at birth? No. Same person? Maybe. That's right I said it. Ricky, wanting to be taken seriously while in university, went for a major transformation. Mark my words. Soon we will find out he has had really bad plastic surgery and that Ri.cky Ma.rtin is, indeed, William Hung. Let's just hope the surgery is reversible.

PhillyKat at 2:22:00 AM


from arcs posted 4/8

Note to Self

If I am ever the perpetrator of a crime, especially one who's outcome is loss of life, flee the scene, lawyer up, and then publicly confess to said crime while in tears at least one week later. I just have to remember to stay out the sun, as to not get too much color, and make sure the victims aren't 'white'. Hmm perhaps I should get some green or blue contacts.

Oh, sorry just thinking aloud. See, I get all my 'how to stay my bountiful beige ass outta jail free' cards from real life incidents. If I should ever snap and murder my child, I'm going for postpartum depression. If the child is too old, I'm going to leave the country ala Pat.sy Ram.sy. If I, say, run over children with my car, I'll just do a Jennifer Porter, and, as Shasta said, cry like a pretty white women.

PhillyKat at 2:20:00 AM


from arcs posted 4/8

Eye Jewelry

WTF!!! Some people have too much damn time on their hands. They need constructive hobbies to stop them from doing stupid shit to their bodies. Enough editorializing. Go read about the possible new fad in the Netherlands called Jewel Eye that costs anywhere from $610 to $1,232. As Justin said in IMs, "I can stick something in there for free!"


A Book youyou (I can't stand meme)

I thought this was stupid fun and I am majorly bored. So, here are the instructions:

1. Grab the nearest book.

2. Open the book to page 23.

3. Find the fifth sentence.

4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal (sic) along with these instructions

Now what is it? -- Folk Remedies That Work, Joan & Lydia Wilen (1989)

found on Cornsmut

PhillyKat at 1:52:00 AM


from arcs posted 4/7

Am I Becoming Dumber?

I spent today on careerbuilder.com reading job listings. At one point I began to wonder if I were becoming dumber because I couldn't believe so many people are inept at business writing. Exact. Clear. Concise. That is business writing, no room for creativity and/or fluff. No company or department specific jargon should be used. And yet, that is not what I was reading. Several times I found myself re-reading listings until I was fed up, said, "Ah fuck it," and hit next. Eventually, I gave up. My eyes were watering from the countless eyerolls. The idea came to me that these listings were written specifially for someone(s), perhaps even for jobs that were filled and just posted by law.

*deep breathy sigh*

PhillyKat at 1:43:00 AM


09 April 2004

Reading Is Fundemental

Since a few, namely two, of you folk sufferin' from old timers didn't understand that when I said I was moving here temporarily on the 10th meant that I was moving here temporarily on the 10th, I will be reposting some of the last post from my site.

Why? Cuz y'all missed some good stuff. Like the midget sex gang, the oral stripper, and ......sike alright thats all lies. But you did miss jewel eye and Angry Pete's commenter topic day.

Will start momentarily I guess.

PhillyKat at 11:46:00 PM


08 April 2004

why are u here...go away. the 10th..the 10th!

i'm still on cyberpix's server til the 10th. www.the-enigma.net

PhillyKat at 2:58:00 PM


06 April 2004

HEY! You made. Kuddos. Now, grab some tea and cookies. I'm gonna go finish watching the Matrix: Revolutions.

PhillyKat at 4:36:00 PM


03 April 2004

Well, if I have set everything up correctly, this should show. So, let's see.

edit: yup it works.

PhillyKat at 12:33:00 AM



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